It’s a great house but the price, especially in the early stages, makes it too expensive. The main limitation for Proudspire Manor is really the cost. Solitude also has the largest selection of shops and amenities of any hold in Skyrim. The house is large with good lighting, has an Alchemy Laboratory and Arcane Enchanter. With Proudspire Manor you need to buy the house before you can become Thane.

To acquire the house you will have to complete two quests given to you by the Jarl and his steward. The most expensive house for sale is in Solitude and is one of the grandest. To get your hands on Vlindrel Hall you’ll first need to complete two requests from the Jarl of Markarth killing the Forsword leader and find Hrolfdir’s Shield. It may have great views but the climb just isn’t worth it. It’s up so many stairs! It’s such a pain to get to you’ll soon get bored of making the tip up to Vlindrel Hall. The reason that this house comes so low on our list is because of its location within Markarth. It has a decent amount of storage, close to merchants and has both an Alchemy Lab and an Arcane Enchanter.

This is a reasonably priced home with not too much clutter.