Whether you are playing Skyrim on Xbox One, PS4 or Windows computer, these best Skyrim mods for 2021 can certainly tweak even the tiniest detail. Gamers use the best Skyrim mods for an immersive and customizable experience while enjoying this popular roleplaying game (RPG) of all time. The final mod to make this list is ‘My Home is Your Home’. Skyrim Special Edition More Marriage Options. Mjoll the Lioness can be a follower as well as a wife, showing high degrees of strength in battle with strong combat skills, all the way up to level 40. Skyrim Special Edition Xbox One Marriage Mods. If you just want to marry an NPC, you're done after the last step, the 4th step only pertains to people who are making NPCs followers. For certain NPCs, the marriage/follow options will not appear until you reset the NPCs dialogue options, to do so, type the following lines into the console. Alright, so let’s make your Skyrim even more amazing and check out good. Yes, Skyrim can be modded anyway with more than 60,000 mods on Nexus and above 28,000 in Steam Workshop.

Are Skyrim Mods Worth It? You can choose to add a new mod based on difficulty level, feel the game in darker style or add anything for infinite customizable features using top Skyrim mods. It significantly improves the gaming environment even on a low-end PC.

What are the Best Graphic Mods for Skyrim? There are tons of graphics mods for Skyrim, but I really find 2K Textures to be the best graphic mod for Skyrim. Lastly, the modders claimed that TES5Edit should be enough to give you a good idea about compatibility and load order.It has huge community support and SE is compatible with many older Skyrim mods as well. It’s also worth noting that “ More Dialogue Options” is available for both the original version and the Special Edition. Needless to say that we highly recommend downloading this mod. I don’t know whether the team aims to overhaul any additional conversations, though this sounds possible. So far, the modders have improved the conversations with Revelers, Aela, Brunwulf, Maul, Tonilia, Brynjolf, Boethiah and Maramal. These are subtle additions, however, we’re certain that a lot of Skyrim fans will find them cool. As such, even the fans of the vanilla game will find this mod interesting and cool.įor instance, the mod adds a dialogue option to skip the explanation about how marriage works in Skyrim or a dialogue option to end the conversation with the Boethiah cultist.

Furthermore, the new options are meant to feel like they should have been in the game all along. This mod adds dialogue options in a simple and immersive way to improve various conversations in the vanilla game.Īccording to the modders, the responses are all voiced by using the original voice files of the game. GOsteW and lilebonymace have released a must-have mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.